Friday, December 30, 2011

Sebenarnya, i have noooooo idea where to begin. So i'll just start with my parents left me for 40 days alone with my lil bro. It was really hard taking care of him. AND TBH, i dont know how to cook. haha 17 years old girl dont know how to cook? IMPOSSIBLE. i know. Well that's just me. Thank god my mom left us some frozen food. I can just heat it up everyday :p and nasi? I can cook it lah, that one is very easy to do kekek *POYO JE.

anyways... Yeah ingat jaga a 9 year old boy is easy? ah hell no. Dah lah tak reti dengar cakap. Tapi we did have a lot of fun together. I'm actually very proud of myself. SEE UMMI ABAH, YOU DONT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT ME ANYMORE. I KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF... all you need to give me is just..MONEY :P

Everyday after school, amik dia, lepak jap. Then go home. FOR 40 days, i repeated all those things. I know, i have a BORING LIFE. Every night, tidur awal. HAAAAA, now i want to talk about waking up in the morning. huh -.- every morning BANGUN PUKUL 4 LEBIH! Even though i set the alarm at 6:30am..MY CAT WILL COME AND WAKE ME UP AT 4! ah god menyakitkan hati. Sampai lah the next day, i locked the door, so that the cat cant come in anymore :P hihi *im so evil. Ummi kata "bukak pintu sebelum tidur, biar Cleo masuk. Dia masuk sebab dia nak makan".. LOL ummi you have noooooo idea, kalau masuk pkol 6 tu takpe lah jugak. Ini pukul 4 dia dah masuk. Sakit hati kot.

When my parents came back, I was really happy. I got normal life back. Everyday lepak-ing with my friends :P and EVERYTIME my mom goes to bed, she will always open the door. Then baru dia rasa macam mana aku rasa. Every 4am kucing aku akan masuk bilik. ahaks sampai skrg lah mak aku asyik tutup pintu. Pagi2 dia marah cleo "ISH CLEO NI. asal gerak ummi pukul 4? haih" hahahah! padan mukaaaaaa :3